CPR Training

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, or CPR, is a critical component in the chain of survival for out of hospital cardiac arrest. Research results published in Circulation (an American Heart Association publication) found that survival rates doubled when CPR was performed versus no CPR. 

As Sudden Cardiac Arrest can happen anywhere, at any time, with little to no symptoms, the value of people knowing CPR is tremendous. Add in the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and the chances increase even more. 

AED’s are being deployed more widely than ever before. Many public locations such as Malls and Stores are voluntarily or sometimes mandated by law installing these. Their locations are generally known to public safety dispatchers who can direct you to them. First Responders and Police Departments are also outfitting their vehicles with AED’s. 

Most cardiac arrest events in adults are electrical in nature. Early Defibrillation is the key to increasing the chances of the victim surviving the cardiac event. 

You can learn CPR in as little as 4-6 hours. Blended programs allow you to take the classroom portion online at your convenience, followed by an in-person skills session to verify your skills in performing CPR and AED use. We teach Adult, Child, and infant, as you never know where you could be or whom you are with when you need to use those skills. 

Contact us today to learn more about how you can take a class!


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